星期四, 九月 13, 2007




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via Observe Think Log by douwei on 9/12/07

日前,公安部门决定在召开"十七大"前严打"交互性网站",要求各IDC服务商:自即日起必须强制关闭所有论坛/博客/留言板等交互性网站。 为了避免因严打而牵连到其它用户的正常使用,请各位用户务必在收到此通知即日起自行关闭所有论坛/博客/留言板等交互性网站: 1、已开设论坛等交互性栏目的网站,请立即自行关闭此功能(仅有论坛的关闭整个论坛); 2、尚未有论坛等交互性功能的空间,严打期间不得新开通论坛、博客、留言板等程序。 3、政府禁令期间所有被强制/自行关闭论坛/博客/留言板等功能的网站,一律作不可退款处理(属不可抗拒范围)。 4、有反对意见或不满咨询的,请直接致电公安部咨询相关情况。 5、对于未进行备案的网站一律执行关闭处理,请未备案网站负责人抓紧处理相关备案事宜。我司将24小时不间断检查,一旦发现,将强制与永久关闭,造成严重损失的,将追究法律刑事责任。 注意:本次严打截至十七大会议结束,出现问题的网站主本人/单位,都将公安部门追究直接刑事责任。此禁令自即日起执行,结束日期另行通知。 请各位客户积极配合,即日起马上自行关闭所有论坛/博客/留言板等交互性网站!



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via 享受苹果--Enjoy Your mac ! by karrate on 9/12/07

一说到文字处理,我们马上会想到Microsoft Word。这是微软公司开发的功能齐全的文字处理器(售价239美元)。被人们广泛的使用。最近,苹果公司推出的Pages 08同样具有很完备的文字处理功能,逐渐为苹果用户所接受。

而实际上,如果你只是要进行一些普通的文字处理工作,如草拟一份报告,制作一个供货名单,或者是写作一份学术性的文章,Mac OS X的TextEdit程序(在Mac OS X中文系统中称为"文本编辑")可能更适合你的要求。




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星期二, 九月 11, 2007

金色葡萄狂赞:Tips for Google Reader Search



Sent to you by zhen via Google Reader:


via Google Operating System by Ionut Alex Chitu on 9/9/07

While Google Reader's new search feature has many limitations and is still far from Bloglines, there are some features that help you find a post faster.

1. You have three ways to view search results:

* snippet view, similar to the way Google displays web search results. This view helps you decide if a result is useful by showing snippets related to your query.

* expanded view, that shows the full posts. Choose this view if you want to read most search results.

* list view, which only shows the title of the post. This is useful if you want to explore a lot of search results.

2. Exact matches: put quotation marks around your search terms to get the results that include an exact phrase.

3. Wildcard: use an asterisk to replace some words in your query. This only works for exact matches. Include an asterisk for each word you want to replace.

For example: "has * * * new features" matches: "has just announced several new features", "has recently added two new features", "has released a few new features".

4. Negative searches: if you want all the posts that contain [book search] but don't include [Google], search for [book search -Google].

5. You can bookmark searches. Google Reader doesn't offer an option to save searches, but if you find yourself repeating the same searches, bookmark them. The latest Google Reader update added transparent URLs so you can use the Back button or bookmark pages.

Example: http://www.google.com/reader/view/#search/myquery

6. Search using the keyboard:

/ - add focus to the search box
Tab - choose a folder or a feed to restrict your search
Enter - instead of clicking the Search button, press Enter

Alternate between the three views: 1 (expanded view), 2 (list view), 3 (snippet view).

To select the first search result, press j. Then you can go to the next result (j) or the previous result (k).

Press Enter to read the full post and go back to the search results by pressing Enter again.

7. View a search result in its original context: make sure that the result is active and press v or middle-click on the title. This will open a new tab/window with the blog post or news article.

8. You can search other people's shared items and public folders. Assuming you know the numeric ID of a user, do a search in your shared items and replace your ID with another ID:


Example: here's a search for [Microsoft] in Robert Scoble's shared items.

9. Because Google Reader is not yet able to rank results by relevancy, a good way to make sure you'll find a post in six months is to star it. When you want to retrieve an important post, restrict the search results to the starred items first.


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