星期二, 三月 21, 2006

google page开始使用了!

今天虽然实验结果不甚理想,但是回来以后意外的收到了google page发来的信:

Hi there,

Thanks for your interest in Google Page Creator. We appreciate your patience, and we're excited to tell you that we enabled your account today, so you can start making pages now! To get started, head over to http://pages.google.com and sign in with your Gmail password. We haven't opened up Google Page Creator to everybody yet, so you'll see a message on our home page saying that accounts are unavailable — you can just ignore that.

Google Page Creator is an experiment on Google Labs. Google Labs is where we put projects before they're ready for prime time so that we can start getting feedback from our users. So, please, tell us what you think, what features we should add, what problems you're experiencing, or anything else that can help us make Google Page Creator a better tool for you. We're listening.

原来是我终于得到了自己的google page,地址在http://doctor.xzh.googlepages.com
以后我的美国之行可以在这里发布了,目前google page还不支持RSS,等以后能够支持RSS了,还可以利用这个平台建立Podcast,实在是很高兴。
